Grand Master Ken Champ
Hundreds of different styles and specialties of the martial arts exist, but they were segregated into relatively small groups of techniques until I formed Tai Chuan Do. I took the best techniques from each style and incorporated them into one style along with philosophical teachings dating back to the late 1500s.
Grand Master Ken Champ
8th Degree Black Belt
Styles of Origin:
Aikido . (Japan) .The way of harmony of self with nature. One of the softest styles, adapted in the early 1900s by its founder, Morihei Ueshiba, from Aiki-Jujitsu, a style mostly based on throws and joint locks from Jujitsu but eliminating all kicks and punches and comprised of circular techniques that can be utilized by anyone regardless of their muscular strength and was intended to not seriously injure the attacker by redirecting their force against them.
.A.Kido . (Korea) .The way of adapting self to surroundings. This style is very similar to Hapkido (see below) and it is believed that the two styles were once the same and at some point split off from each other. Neither style includes sparring. The Korean government recognizes and supports Tae Kwon Do and Judo as sports. A different organization was deemed necessary and the government formed the Kido Association in 1963 to provide recognition and support for the 31 original styles of Korean martial arts. Then, in 1966 the U.S. Headquarters for the Korea Kido Federation was established in San Francisco which unites all Korean martial arts taught by masters and instructors outside of Korea. In order to understand the movements and techniques of Hapkido, Kido and other Korean martial arts one must study and practice the theories of Yu (flowing like water), Won (circular theory) and Hwa (non-resistance or harmony). Also note some similarities to the Japanese style of Aikido (see above).
Hapkido . (Korea) .The way of coordinated power. Blends striking and grappling styles, and is adapted from Aiki Jujitsu (Aikido.s predecessor), to include throws, joint locks, and pressure points as well as strikes and blocks. Hapkido is intended to immobilize the attacker as quickly as possible by countering in the opposite manner of an attack such as by countering a linear attack with a circular technique and vice-versa.
Judo . (Japan) .The way of subtleness or gentleness. Grappling style developed in 1882 by its founder, Professor Jigoro Kano, from Jujitsu but altered its techniques due to his feelings that Jujitsu was too violent. Judo was intended to fulfil Kano.s ideals by incorporating two central concepts: .mutual benefit of the practitioner and society as a whole. and .maximum efficiency from minimum effort.. Judo emphasizes grappling techniques, especially those that upset the attacker.s balance, in particular . gaining leverage, throws, clothes grabbing, joint locks and strangleholds. Jujitsu (also .Jujutsu.) . (Japan) .Techniques of subtleness or gentleness. An all around martial art, Jujitsu is considered to be the .grandfather. style that spawned many of the modern styles that exist today . Aikido, Judo, and to a lesser extent Hapkido, being foremost among these. It blends striking and grappling styles to include throws, joint locks, and pressure points as well as strikes and blocks. Teaches to change or adapt from one technique to another and then again. Open handed techniques are Jujitsu in origin, but various weapons and other techniques used by the Ninja are also taught.
Ninjutsu . (Japan) .Techniques of perseverance and/or stealth. Also referred to as Ninpo .The natural laws of perseverance. Art of the Ninja which stresses training and development of one.s inner self to coincide with nature.s laws and the application of the techniques and skills of martial arts training in combination with your heart and spirit as a lifestyle.
Shorin-Ryu . (Okinawa) A specific .family. (Ryu) of Karate established by Ansei Ueshiro who arrived in the U.S.A. in the early 1960s. Karate was originally developed in Okinawa, an island between China and Japan which was ruled by China at the time, but is now a part of Japan. Karate was developed from Kung Fu (Wushu) and Kempo (Chinese Boxing) by the Okinawan farmers in order to fight the Chinese occupiers, and later the Japanese aggressors. Karate was designed to be swift and violent, quickly dispensing of an opponent using hand and foot strikes and not usually involving grappling other than to hold the opponent briefly to prevent them from dodging an attack.